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SUMMIT Spirits Theatre Group


We are a theatre organization within the church and community.



1. SUMMIT Spirits will be developed into a theatrical organization with the "on stage" capability to produce skits; one acts, full length and musical plays; musical recitals; amateur shows; and other presentations with require special staging, i.e. lights, sound, sets, etc.


2. SUMMIT Spirits will at all times spread only message consistent with the faith of the United Methodist Church (UMC), communicating the joy of Christian life through the performing arts and forming bonds of friendship within our community.


3. SUMMIT Spirits will schedule productions on an annual basis to be approved by the UMC Administrative Board (AB). Emergency requests, made for a bona fide response, will be referred to the AB for verbal approval.


4. SUMMIT Spirits will provide activities which will be open to people of all ages withing the congregation. Activities include County Church, Communities, Schools, Clubs, etc, will be allowed only upon the permission of the AB.


5. SUMMIT Spirits will develop guidelines and by-laws to administer the program and provide opportunities for live theatre experiences by those selected to participate within the framework of the Mission Statement.


6.SUMMIT Spirits will be financed by grants, gifts, donations, and AB appropriations. A special theatre account will be kept by the Church Treasurer. All proceeds for SUMMIT Spirits productions will be placed into the theatre account.7. SUMMIT Spirits will be for the people's use and benefit.


Company Overview

Sparta and near residents who are interested in learning theatre, participating or just want to enjoy a show. Check Us Out!!

SUMMIT = Sparta United Methodist Ministry In Theatre

Spirits= As defined with "Holy Spirit", "Human Soul" and "The divine influence working with the human heart."



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